Corporate Event Planners: the questions you need to include in your post-event survey

Person filling survey

Congratulations! The event you just planned for your favorite client went without a hitch, and you are about to take a well-deserved break from the craziness that is the organization of an event.

However, before you forget the details about that event or get immersed in the next one, there is one crucial thing that you should do. I am talking about conducting a post-event survey, of course.

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10 Tips On Organizing An Event For A Small Business: A Client’s Perspective

organizing an event for a small business

For Event Agencies used to planning events for big Fortune 500 clients, organizing an event for a small business can look like an easy walk in the park.

But small companies deserve as much attention when it comes to their corporate events as bigger ones. And they expect you to put as much energy in crafting the best event for them as you would if they were big names. Continue reading “10 Tips On Organizing An Event For A Small Business: A Client’s Perspective”

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